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Make a donation

Building the collection of the Museo de Chiclana is one of our priorities and so the generosity of donors is essential for the growth of our permanent collection.

A donation can be made by inter vivo transmission, that is, when the owner of the object grants it to the museum while alive. Another way to donate objects to the Museum is a temporary grant through an agreement to offer the object to the museum to use free of charge for a certain period of time (usually for a minimum of 5 years), after which time it is returned.

The donor will receive an acknowledgement from the museum, and the donor’s name will appear in any public exhibit of the object (if the donor so desires) and on the list of benefactors. Donors are also given free access to the museum in perpetuity.

If you would like to donate something to the Museo de Chiclana, please attach a photograph and a description of the piece you wish to donate. Use the form below or you can write to us at

Form to assess the value of pieces
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Allowed file types: gif jpg png.